Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Socialize Your Wordpress, Blogware Or Blogger Blog With A Single Click Of Your Mouse

Socialize Your Wordpress, Blogware Or Blogger Blog With A Single Click Of Your Mouse

By Cory Threlfall

Blogs(A.K.A. - Weblogs) are the BIGGEST thing going right now online because of there many uses for both the Web Surfer and the Internet Marketer.

But, you probably already know that so for the purpose of this article I'm not going to talk about 'Blogs' in general because I'm sure you've read enough about them by now and/or you already have a few kicking around the net.

What I'm going to share with you Right Now is something I discovered while surfing the net researching Tag and Ping tactics and Social Bookmarkleting because I run more then a few blogs online and wanted to find out how I could take advantage of this whole Tag and Ping and Social Bookmarkleting thing with as little effort as possible.

If your new to this whole Tag and Ping game then let me give you a quick summary of what a Tag is and what a Ping is so there's no confusion as you continue through this article.

*Tags* - Tags are simply *category names* and are selected by you using keywords around whatever niche your blogging about and are included within each post you make, that is, if your blog is set up for Tags.

*Ping* - By Pinging your letting the weblog trackers(like Technorati for example) and the search engines now that your blog has been updated with fresh content and is ready for their spiders to come and crawl your blog for indexing into their databases.

This is where the - Tags - come into play for your blogs posts because as soon as the social bookmarkleting service spiders your blog, it will list your post under that given Tag you chose. So it's very important you choose your Tags wisely.

Now that you know the basics of the Tag and Ping concept, lets now get into what I discovered so you too can incorporate it into your blogging mix, whether you use Wordpress, Blogware or Blogger as your blogging software.

But before I do, lets first talk about what Social Bookmarkleting is for a quick minute.

Social Bookmarkleting, just in case your not quite sure, is simply a collection of your favorite articles, blogs, music, restaurant reviews, photo's or whatever it is that you find interesting on the web and is saved into your public profile through whatever Social Bookmarkleting service you choose.

Technorati, Digg, del.icio.us, furl are just a few Social Bookmarkleting services available on the web which is why I'm writing this article because I discovered a COOL plugin that you can use on Wordpress, Blogware and Blogger blogs that will connect you to over 50+ social bookmarkleting services through one click of your mouse giving your blog audience multiple options to share your blog post or blog with the world which in turn will increase your traffic and popularity of your blog.

Lets face it, adding 50+ social bookmarkleting buttons to your blog would be a VERY tedious endevour so why not take the short cut for a change and install this plugin and let your reader make his or her choice.

To take advantage of this plugin right now go to Socialize-It.com ==> http://www.socialize-it.com

This plugin is absolutely FREE and only takes minutes to install on your blog.

Make sure your choose your Tag wisely as well. I recommend you go to Technorati - http://www.technorati.com - and look at the TOP 100 tags since Technorati is the BIG Daddy in the blogosphere.

(TIP: The bigger and bolder the Tag the more popular the topic is.)

After you've done that, start Blogging.

The more posts you make, the more pages you'll generate with the "Socialize-It" button helping spread the word about your blog and getting your blog added in whatever Social Bookmarkleting service database your blog reader is apart of.

I hope you found this article helpful and take action on what you have just learned.

Good luck!

About the Author: Cory Threlfall is a PROVEN Internet Marketer and is the Editor and Publisher of a Online Business and Marketing publication called The Internet Wonders eZine. Go subscribe today and receive 'Daily' via the Web, RSS or eMail quality Articles, Product Reviews, Resources, Tips, and More on how to Promote and Build your business online. Go NOW To ==>http://www.internetwondersezine.com

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=79900&ca=Internet

Discover Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Blogger For Your Business

Discover Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Blogger For Your Business

By Chris McElroy AKA NameCritic

Whether you've been marketing your business on the web for years or you are just starting out and recognize that web marketing will greatly contribute to your business success, there's one thing that's key to keeping your company name on people's minds: keeping a blog. With a blog, you'll be able to keep fresh content on your website which adds values for site visitors and draws in the search engine spiders.

What many business owners find - those whose companies are well-established as well as those who are just starting out - is that it takes time to keep a website up to date. They also find that keeping a blog can take a chunk of time out of their day, time that could be used for any number of other activities from taking client calls to checking on production to making sure that the bills are getting paid. Often, despite their best intentions, business owners give up on posting to their blog whether they just give it up all at once or let their posts trickle off slowly.

All of a sudden, even though you know that you should keep a blog for your business, you'll find that it slips off of your priority list and on to your list of things to do. And then you'll find that it slips to that part of the list where things just stay either forever or until everything else on the list is something .

There's a good way of avoiding the problem, however: hire a professional blogger to write the blog for your business.

Why would you hire a professional blogger? Well, to begin with, when you're working with someone who operates a business dedicated to blogging that is staffed by trained bloggers, you'll know that the person writing your blog knows the tips, tools and techniques that will draw attention to your blog. Not only will you be able to benefit from the blogger's experience, but you won't have to spend time learning the techniques or writing the posts.

While those are, in themselves, great benefits, the list doesn't stop there. When you contract with a blogging company, you'll know what you're getting. If you hire a blogger who will post to your blog daily, you can be sure that there will be fresh content added to your site each day. If you hire someone to post five times a week, you'll have five posts each week. A professional blogger makes a commitment to you, a commitment that the job will be done.

As a result, you get all of the benefits that come with having a blog for your business - increased site traffic, incoming links to your website and a relationship with current and prospective customers - without any of the hassle. You don't have to worry about days without posts, coming up with content or staying on top of all of the latest tips and tools that bloggers use to get their work noticed. In no time, you'll find yourself reaping the rewards of a well-written blog.

About the Author: Chris McElroy aka NameCritic can help you improve the results you get from your blog. Find out how Professional Blog Management & Consultants can help you maintain a successful blog. You can also visit Our Blog for more info.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=187559&ca=Internet

Four Ways A Professional Blogger Creates Content For Your Blog

Four Ways A Professional Blogger Creates Content For Your Blog

By Chris McElroy AKA NameCritic

Many people turn to a blog content provider because they just don't know how to get the most out of their blogs. Many others - probably with some overlap - choose to have a blog content provider take over the writing and management of their blog because they have trouble coming up with daily content.

When you hire a professional blogger to write and manage your blog, concerns about writer's block tend to fade away. But how do professional bloggers get their ideas? How do they keep content that's relevant and fresh posted on your blog each and every day all month long? 

There are a number of ways. The following five, however, speak to the most common ways in which bloggers approach client blogs.

1. They do some research. In part, this entails reading the content of your business' website to get a feel for the products and services that you offer. They look at posts that have been made in the past and they take a look at your industry. 

By taking the time to understand your company, your products and services, the way you look at your industry and your business goals, a professional blogger can create a database of topics to explore in your blog.

2. Blog content providers read other blogs on the same topic as the one they are writing. For example, if your blog is about travel, the professional blogger will look at similar sites to see what's being talked about. Same is true whether you are a real estate agent, a hotel manager, a chef or a race car driver. 

By reading similar blogs, your blog content provider can help to engage in conversations with others interested in the subject and even create links to boost your blog's popularity.

3. Blog content providers can take a look at your products and services and offer suggestions for putting them to good use. Do you offer a marketing service? If so, your blogger can create content based on ways in which that service can be used. 

Sometimes, drawing more customers is simply a matter of providing alternative uses for products and services - uses that you may not see because of your connection to the project.

4. Blog content providers can work with you to create feature content. Feature pieces have long been the mainstay of journalism; people want to hear personal stories and experiences. By profiling one of your customers, working with customer testimonials or offering product reviews of helpful software or even websites, professional blogger can help you to engage with your customers or clients.

You may be reading this article thinking that these are things that you could do on your own. You may be wondering why you need a blog content producer working on your team. "Can't I just do this myself," you may ask.

The truth is that, yes, you can do all of these things on your own. However, often your time will be fractured by phone calls, customer questions and other parts of doing business. A blog content provider, on the other hand, will be committed to creating fresh content that draws readers; the right blog content provider will also be able to create content that attracts search engine crawlers as well.

As a result, your blog will receive increased notice and increased readership and you are likely to experience a surge of interest in the products and services that your company offers. Is a blog content provider a good investment? The right blogger is.

About the Author: Chris McElroy aka NameCritic providesProfessional Management for Business Blogs and can help you choose a blogging solution for your business. He also has his ownBusines Blog here

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=178400&ca=Internet

The Top 5 Hints For The Beginner Blogger

The Top 5 Hints For The Beginner Blogger

By Rocque Bowen

I have been blogging for years now. It started as a hobby and has grown from there. I teach blogging classes now for Mastermind Pros. Blogging is a great hobby and it can also be used as a way to start your identity on the World Wide Web. Blogging is much easier to start than a web page, and it is a lot easier to maintain then a web site. There are quality Free Blog Hosts available, so there is really no reason not to get started today. Here are my top 5 hints if you are just beginning as a blogger.

Always Start With a Free Blog

I recommend Word Press or Blogger for the best places to get started in blogging. They both are easy to set up and use. Blogger might have better and easier to get help. However Word Press keeps adding more advanced features and does have a pay feature for more upgrades. With each Word Press account you can have more than one blog, and Blogger does offer the same feature, too. For this article I am just going to focus on Word Press. The reason for this is because most of the blogging information I have found out there for free chooses to focus on Word Press, and as you grow in your blogging experience you will most likely end up with a Word Press blog.

Think of a GREAT Name for Your Blog

If you are starting with Word Press, you will want to register an account, but for each blog you want to have a creative name that you choose for you blog. For example if you were writing a blog about being a teacher you might want to see if you can get a name for your blog that has teacher “style” keywords for the title. Another example might be My Life In Room 5 for your main title. You can change the title of your blog at any time that you want so if next year you were moved to room 22, you can just edit your title, but to choose your URL it would be different.

Picking the URL

The URL is simply defined as the Universal Resource Locator. An Internet World Wide Web Address. When you choose a URL for your free Word Press Blog it is shown as: name.wordpress.com. You would substitute your name for your blog where “name” is. Your “name” can be one word or a combination of words with no spaces between them. Several of the good names are already taken but with imagination and patience you can find a suitable name. Maybe choose your own name, for example. mastermindpros.wordpress.com I was able to get this blog just now. Remember that the URL title you pick is permanent unless you choose to delete it. You can delete free blogs at any time.

Make a Commitment to Post Often

Most people start blogging because they have something to say! Some people start them for other reasons but having been a Blogger for several years now and a visitor to several blogs, I still feel the majority of blogs out there are started by people who enjoy writing and have something to say, even if it is just commenting on news articles or sharing their poetry. Some people enjoy ranting. Have you visited other people’s blogs before? Go to any search engine and type in the name of something you are interested in like: Johnny Depp Blogs and see what shows up. I got over 276,000 results for that search on Google. So you can find people with the same interests as yours. You can read what they have to say then go comment on their blog and write about it on your blog. You can ask people with similar interests to share on your blog, too.

Do Not Delete Your Blog

Maybe you have started your blog and you hate it. Well think once, twice, three times and more about whether or not you want to keep or delete your blog. Why do I suggest keeping your blog? The main reason I suggest this is because you are starting your presence on the internet. That might not mean much to you if you are new, but it might mean more in months or years to come. Your blog is real estate in the World Wide Web Land. Real Estate here can become valuable, too. You can become valuable as you grow your property (your blog). Blogging is a fun hobby, but you never know what the future is going to hold for you or where you hobby might lead you. Especially if you are building your blog over time, and you are following some of the steps I mentioned in #4 above. People on the internet and bloggers are usually a friendly group. We love to have comments on our blogs. We usually respond to them. It is a special present to us when someone takes the time to make a comment. We love suggestions and people sharing what they are doing, too. The only thing that most bloggers hate is SPAM! That is where people post only to sell something or lead people to websites that they might not want to go to. Don’t fear that though since Word Press has powerful filters now and you get to approve what people can say on their comments.

You will find that Blogging is a lot of fun! If you can send emails you can blog. It is very easy to start up a blog using Word Press or Blogger. If you have been thinking about starting a blog and have not done so yet, my advice is to get started. It is a great free hobby and you never know where it might lead you. Share your interests with the world. There are thousands of readers out there searching for information. Perhaps they will find you. I hope you will enjoy your blogging experience as much as I enjoy blogging and reading blogs, too.

About the Author: Rocque Bowen is a professional coach for Mastermind Pros (http://www.mastermindpros.com). If you are interested in learning to make an online income and are tired of all the hype, stop by Mastermind Pros and find out what it really takes to make an income online.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=213737&ca=Internet

The Blogger’s Guide To Online Income

The Blogger’s Guide To Online Income

By Tobias Smith

The world of blogging, or keeping an online journal, has made a huge jump in popularity over the last few years. People keep blogs for all sorts of reasons, and some of them have figured out that it can actually be an online internet business opportunity.

What is this ‘Blog as an Online Internet Business Opportunity’ idea that has many people excited, and how does it work? Well, first of all, it is important to note that in order to make blogging an online internet business opportunity, one must actually have, and consistently write in a blog. If you are unsure about the world of blogging, it would be a smart move to explore your different options before you try to use blogging as a new online internet business opportunity. Read the blogs of others and set up a blog account yourself. There are multiple sites on the internet that allow you to set up your own personal blog, and the blog does not necessarily need to be an online internet business opportunity.

There are a few different advertisement companies on the internet that will allow you to sign up to put their advertisements on your blog. This does not generate a huge amount of income, but can be a good online internet business opportunity. The more people you drive to your site, the better online internet business opportunity your blog will be. The advertisements will be geared toward the interests of your specific audience, and each time the ad is clicked, this online internet business opportunity will be generating income for you.

If you develop a large following of readers who adore your blog, there is another way to turn your blog into an online internet business opportunity. Many times, especially with humorous blogs, you can even market the idea of yourself, and this is another online internet business opportunity. T-shirts, mouse pads, music CD’s, and other toys and trinkets can be sold with your face or unique logo, and if you are popular, adoring fans will easily provide income to you through this online internet business opportunity. This is another aspect of blogging that can be a lot of fun. It is worth mentioning, however, that you may want to consider the potential ramifications of using your own personal likeness or name in the public as an online internet business opportunity.

It is important to note that while blogging for pay can be a good online internet business opportunity, it is not usually considered a very high-income business. Anyone who tries to tell you that blogging will make you high amounts of cash probably does not understand what type of online internet business opportunity it is. However, blogging for pay can be an excellent way to make a little extra on the side, and besides being an online internet business opportunity, it can also be quite enjoyable for writers. If you are interested in writing, as well as finding an online internet business opportunity, blogging for pay may be an excellent option for you.

About the Author: Learn how to start your own home business online earning multiple streams of income at Plug-In Profit Site.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=146470&ca=Internet

Doe’s Dont’s Of A Blog And Blogger

Doe’s Dont’s Of A Blog And Blogger

By Chris Taylor

Blogging, despite its naysayers, has proved its many capabilities. The vast majority of people use blogs these days, whether for personal things or to advance a business. People became more aware through blogs, and businesses grew as people voted with their dollars. 

Blogs also let you organize and save information. Many blog sites give you the option of keeping your writings private, allowing you to use a blog as you would a paper day planner. Or, you can use your blog to store things like recipes, while sharing them with others by simply leaving your writings public.

If you do want to attract others to your blog, then having your own blog is a bit like choosing a new car. You must choose the make, color, and features that will best suit your needs. You also must think of beautiful internal details that are visibly attractive to others. Blog as though you are your primary audience, but keep in mind that it will be viewed by many, like a car owned by one person but intended to carry many passengers. Your blog gives the viewer some insight in to who you are, just like cars can help determine the personality of the driver. 

To continue with the car analogy, there are some things you should watch out for when blogging, much like making sure your car is in the correct gear for the terrain. For those of you who blog on personal topics here are some do nots...

The very first thing that comes to mind when acquiring a blog is that your blog will most likely be open for public viewing. Because of that, you must take layout and appearance into account. You must also think about your audience. What type of person do you envision reading and being interested in your blog? You can then do some tailoring towards that audience, thereby holding their attention even more firmly. 

To those who are planning to use blog in business, take the following as pointers...

Remember that the customer is your priority. Write to your audience, and make sure your articles are easy to understand.

Don’t assume that your customer knows anything about your business. On the Internet, people frequently stumble onto sites they didn’t originally intend to view. If someone comes to your site that didn’t intend to, make sure you grab his or her attention first and foremost. Then use that attention to explain your products and services.

In general...

Do not over design your blogs. Simple is good! Make sure the colors you choose for your text and for your background do not interfere with reading your articles. For example, lemon yellow text is almost universally difficult to see. This goes for fonts too; don’t choose anything too ornate. Remember, you don’t want anything to interfere with the readability of your blog.

Keep current! After a couple of times of checking into your blog only to find no new content, those customers and/or readers you worked so hard to attract will stop coming back. You can also change the appearance of your blog occasionally, in order to shake up the reader’s expectations. Remember that this can be a double-edged blade, however; plenty of readers resist changes in appearance and are slow to warm up to something new.

A way to know whether your changes are effective is to make sure your blog is equipped with a way for visitors to leave feedback. This will help you make effective changes to your blog. 

All these things should be considered when blogging. There aren’t any other things to remember when just starting to blog since all instructions are given during the set up process. Blogging is not difficult to do. Blogging is even easier than HTML!

Planning, however, is important. Think about what you want to say and what you want your blog to look like before you begin.

About the Author: Visit Rss Feeds Directory and our top Rss Feed Submission Sites service today.

Copyright Catdynamics 2007.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=122049&ca=Marketing

Do You Need Help Adding RSS Feeds To Your Blogger?

Do You Need Help Adding RSS Feeds To Your Blogger?

By Nell Taliercio

It’s really easy and here is how you can do it: 

Log into your blogger account 

Go to "settings" 

Go to "site feed" 

Copy the "site feed url" 

Then go to www.feedburner.com 

Scroll down to "try feedburner today" and paste your "site feed url" and then click next. You'll be at "select services" There are lots of options on that page and you can look through them all, but to get to the feeds you need to go to the bottom of that page and click on "next". 

Then you can log in or sign up. It's free to sign up. After you fill in your info then click and that page will allow you to "activate your feed". Click on that and then click on "launch your publicity tools" and then click on "chicklet chooser". Then you have many options. I personally always choose the “my yahoo”, “my msn”, “newsgator” and “xml”. Click on each one and you'll see the code you need to grab. You have to do it for each one. 

Then just go back to your template and put it in. You're set. As you can see there are other different things you can do too. So look around in there and check them all out. 

But that is just the very basics of getting a feed up. Now, when you get that feed added let me know so I can add you to my personal “my yahoo” page!

About the Author: Nell Taliercio is the publisher of a weekly telecommuting newsletter that helps moms and dads work at home. Read more about the newsletter and get your free listing of job links athttp://www.telecommutinganswerlady.com - and for more telecommuting and home based business information head over tohttp://www.mommysplace.net

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=3574&ca=Internet